The Essence of Thyme Blog

Learn about essential oil recipes, aromatherapy careers, plant sustainability, aromatherapy classes, aromatic chemistry, and more.

International Peace Month

Aug 12, 2024

August is International Peace Month. This is a difficult concept to grasp as we observe, or in some cases, are directly involved in the horrible conflicts occurring in almost every corner of the globe. Most of us can’t deeply understand why this is happening. The news and social media just serve to muddle the facts, sensationalizing people’s agony, loss and pain. How can we...

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Exploring Hydrosols (Part 2)

Jul 31, 2024

Hydrosols are a much gentler version of essential oils and can be safely used on babies, children, and animals.

Recently, when my pup had an eye infection, I soaked a cotton pad with Elemi hydrosol (gifted to me by Jirbie Go) and gently pressed it onto her closed eye several times a day (a new cotton pad each time). Within two days the infection was completely gone.

Elemi (Canarium luzonicum)...

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Home for the holidays with aromatherapy: Make your own aromatic gifts

Dec 14, 2023

Learn about Colleen’s favourite holiday aromatherapy traditions—and get some of her most treasured recipes. They make wonderful handmade gifts!

Each year, my five grandchildren and I gather to make aromatherapy gifts for their parents and other grandparents and family members. This tradition started many years ago, and as the children have grown, we added more complex blends to our...

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Aromatherapy Travel Kit

Jun 09, 2023

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are heading into summer. Summer usually involves more travel, whether this is day trips to the beach or more lengthy vacations, it is always a good idea to pack a first aid kit. If I am limited to what I can carry with me, I will always make sure to bring lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). Both these essential oils are...

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All about vanilla, 'Vanilla planifolia'

Jan 31, 2023

Vanilla is such an alluring and playful scent, and is fact one of the world's most popular aromas. It evokes memories of peace, happiness, and comfort. For some, it reminds them of cleaning as many people in the past used vanilla extract to clean their whitegoods. For others it reminds them of baking and cooking. But for many, the scent of vanilla evokes feelings of love and passion, so during...

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Make Your Own Bug Spray with Essential Oils

Jun 10, 2022

Not all bug sprays are created equal! In this post, learn about DEET and its key concerns, and learn how to make your own natural DEET-free essential oil bug spray.

Diethyl-meta-toluamide, abbreviated DEET, is the most common active ingredient in insect repellents. According to Wikipedia ("DEET," 2003), “Citing human health reasons, Health Canada barred the sale of insect repellents for...

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Blending Essential Oils in Harmony with the Earth

Apr 25, 2022

Blending essential oils and carrier oils with conservation as an intention means working in a way that not only supports the healing of your client, but also the healing of the Earth. While we certainly have a responsibility to our clients, our first responsibility is to the protection and healing of essential and carrier oil-bearing plants. After all, it is upon these plants that the...

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Recipe: How to Make Calendula Infused Oil

Jan 31, 2022

Infused carrier oils are an asset to any aromatherapist: they’re gentle and versatile, and they lend their own beneficial properties to a product. Making your own infused carrier oils is easy, can be done at home, and gives you an opportunity to connect more fully with each plant and understand it holistically.

Because they are created with their end use in mind, it’s easy to end up...

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