Learn about essential oil recipes, aromatherapy careers, plant sustainability, aromatherapy classes, aromatic chemistry, and more.
The Aromatic Journey of Insightful Gifting
You walk into a room and instantly are carried by a single, powerful scent. This is the power of aromatherapy, a wellness modality that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide.
But before you wrap up that heartfelt essential oil gift, pause and consider: are you giving a gift of wellness or...
Whether our property is vast or diminutive, we all have a role to play in the protection of our Earth. Angie Kennedy, CAAP, Essence of Thyme Case Study Team Leader, embodies these words as she cares for her land. She won the 2022 “Woodland Owner of the Year” award for the Western Region of Nova Scotia, and we couldn't be more proud! Angie generously shares her journey to land...
Earth Day is a celebration which has been held every April 22nd since 1970 to show support for environmental protection. Events take place not only on the 22nd, but also throughout the month of April, with billions of people from over 193 countries coming together to promote reforms in the protection of our planet and its climate.
The entire team at Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies...
If you're reading this, odds are that you use essential oils and are mindful of the fragile state planet Earth is in. Thinking about just how fragile our planet truly is can leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious; I know that is how I’m left feeling sometimes!
My relationship with essential oil-bearing plants is one I greatly value, especially as an aromatherapist - our planet is built...
And as healers, we have a responsibility to heal the plants first. If we want a bright and sustainable future for the practice of aromatherapy, we must all do our part.
At Essence of Thyme, we take sustainability seriously. Aromatherapy is a path of lifelong study — to us, this is inseparable from learning how to protect and support our...
It is vital to understand the value and importance of Latin scientific names, also known, for plants, as botanical names. A botanical name is binomial in that it is made up of two parts: the first part indicating the genus of the plant, and the second part, the species. For example, Bursera graveolens (Figure 1) begins with the name of the genus – Bursera - followed...
“All things are bound together. All things connect.” - Chief Seattle
Scientists revealed in 2010 that the Earth is undergoing its sixth mass extinction whereby over 1,000,000 species are facing extinction (1). One of the two factors primarily contributing to this alarming number is habitat destruction, fuelled in particular by monoculture, urban sprawl,...
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