Free Webinar: Conquer Essential Oil Chemistry... and Turn Your Passion Into a Profession!

Jun 01, 2022

UPDATE: The live webinar is over, but join our mailing list and get first notice of our next event! 

I have a secret to tell you. It is actually a pretty shocking secret!

When I took my aromatherapy certification program, chemistry wasn’t even part of the curriculum. Can you imagine an aromatherapy program without this foundational piece of the puzzle?

As a newly graduated aromatherapist, I thought I knew it all! But looking back, I realize how many gaps there were in my education. Initially I became overwhelmed when I realized what I was missing, especially in terms of chemistry. I invested a lot of time on my own to close this gap, taking many courses and reading many books on general chemistry, so that I would feel more confident and comfortable with aromatic chemistry. I learned 3 things from this experience:

  1. Chemistry can be scary.
  2. Learning aromatic chemistry can be time-consuming and stressful without the proper support.
  3. As new aromatherapists, we don’t know it all. In fact, it is just the beginning of lifelong learning. And even after 27 years in the aromatherapy profession, I am still learning.

But here is another secret — essential oil chemistry doesn’t have to be scary, stressful, or time-consuming. It is just a matter of “beginning at the beginning” and chunking the information down into manageable pieces.

The more I learned about the chemistry of essential oils, the more my blending improved. I was finally able to understand HOW essential oils work, from a scientific perspective — and this information made a huge difference in the effectiveness of my aromatherapy blends and my confidence in creating them.

Why we’re offering a free aromatherapy chemistry webinar

Over the years, I’ve discovered that chemistry is one of the main reasons a person doesn’t follow through with registering for an aromatherapy program, even if they are deeply passionate about aromatherapy. In fact, the most frequent questions and concerns we hear from prospective aromatherapy students are related to their fears about studying chemistry.

Support is one of our top priorities at Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies — from the hands-on personal support we provide our students throughout their education, to the way our entire team works together to give kind, thoughtful, and meaningful mentorship to our entire community.

I don’t want anyone else to feel the way I did when I realized that my aromatherapy certification program didn’t really “certify” me to truly understand the complexities of aromatherapy, including organic chemistry.

Is your fear of chemistry preventing you from moving forward with aromatherapy certification? I understand! You’ve come to the right place, and we would love to extend that same support to you. 

What you’ll learn in The ABCs of Essential Oil Chemistry:

I’m excited to offer this free online basic aromatherapy chemistry class, where I’ll show you how to break the chemistry down into manageable and stress-free pieces.

We will start at the beginning by discussing the very basics, such as the definition of an atom, an element, a molecule, and a compound. We will talk about the most basic chemical family found in essential oils: the terpenes. Finally, we will dig a little deeper and explore the two main types of terpenes found in aromatherapy: the monoterpenes and the sesquiterpenes. By the end, you’ll have a fear-free approach to understanding aromatic chemistry and how it can improve your blending.

This free online aromatherapy chemistry class is for you if:

  • You’re passionate about aromatherapy and considering aromatherapy certification, but your fear of chemistry is making you hesitate.
  • You completed your aromatherapy certification program a number of years ago, and realized there were gaps in your education, especially relating to chemistry.

This webinar is not for someone who is an aromatherapist and completed chemistry as part of their certification. It will be a basic aromatherapy foundational class to start you on the path of understanding aromatherapy chemistry so you can move past the overwhelm.

If you are someone who will benefit from a basic aromatherapy chemistry course, I hope you will join me on June 14th at 12:30 pm Pacific time.

Believe me, it is not that hard — and nothing to be afraid of!

If you have any questions about this free online class, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can contact me here.

Article by: Colleen Thompson, RA, MIFPA

For over 25 years, Colleen Thompson has been a passionate and highly respected aromatherapy educator. She has owned 3 aromatherapy stores and a holistic spa, and she founded Essence of Thyme in 1995, where she mentors budding aromatherapists from all over the world, helping them create their own thriving aromatherapy businesses.

About Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies

Essence of Thyme College of Holistic Studies offers 300- and 630-hour professional aromatherapy certification programs that help you grow a successful, fulfilling career by specializing and creating your market niche. Professional Level Certification prepares graduates to become aromatherapy consultants, launch product lines or retail businesses, or provide services as an adjunct to existing holistic health specializations. Master Level Certification and electives are ideal for certified aromatherapists seeking higher education or a path to clinical aromatherapy practice.

All Essence of Thyme programs focus on aromatherapy product development and advanced formulation, evidence-based research, spa and business management, international industry regulatory guidelines, and sustainability and conservation of essential oil and carrier oil-bearing plants.

Our comprehensive, evidence-based programs meet or exceed the criteria set forth by 5 international professional aromatherapy associations. Learn more about our aromatherapy certification programs.


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